Sophos Website Checker

  1. Sophos Website Checker
  2. Sophos Website Category Check
  3. Sophos Website Checker Online
  4. Sophos Website Checker Login



By default, other services such as SSL VPN and User Portal use the ANY network as the IP address on which they are available. In this context, ANY refers to all IP address assigned to the Sophos UTM. To prevent your newly created IP address from being claimed by these other services using the ANY interface, make sure the other services have been configured with specific addresses. Sophos Advisory: Customers are not able to access any Central Dashboards due to ongoing Microsoft Azure outage. March 15 Sophos Advisory: Central and Enterprise Dashboard - Some customers are unable to add or edit the 'Custom Rules' section within the Federation Login global setting. Sophos Intercept X for Mobile delivers industry leading protection against malware and other mobile threats. The app has consistently achieved a 100% protection score in AV-TEST’s comparison of the top Android security and antivirus apps. Full features, no advertising, all free Sophos is an IT security leader for companies and governments. Quickly and easily assess the security of your HTTP response headers.

It all started a couple of months ago when someone told me that they were trying to get to my site and that it was blocked and I was black listed. This person was using a tool from Sophos to protect her computer from malicious websites, by blocking them and basically preventing her to go to these sites.

My first reaction was: we’ve been hacked!

So we ran a whole bunch of tests on our site and could not find anything wrong with sukuri or any other tool out there. I also sent a support ticket to Sophos to ask them the reason we were black listed so that we could fix it, I never heard back from them.

Forward several weeks. Someone on my list writes to me telling me that she can not access my site because it is being blocked and marked as malicious by Sophos. Even though she tries to reassure me telling me that this happened to Brendon Burchard as well, I’m very mad at Sophos for sending these false positive, it really hurts their credibility (and not helping my business!)


A couple of calls to Sophos support was all it took to fix the problem: turns out they don’t even know why our site was blacklisted and they took it out of their black list and all is fine now. At least their phone support is efficient 🙂

While doing our research, we found this tool that can scan your website for viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.

Sophos Website Checker

I strongly suggest you run your website through it to make sure your site is clean.


You can be doing all the right things (backups, keeping it up to date, only using safe plugins, have secure username and passwords,…) there are things you can’t and will never control, that is the nature of the Internet.

Now I’d like to hear from you: what steps and/or tools are you using to keep your website safe? Please share it in the comments section so that it benefits all our readers 🙂

Configure Kerberos authentication in XG Firewall.


Sophos Website Checker

When you complete this unit, you’ll know how to do the following:
  • Specify a hostname for XG Firewall.
  • Configure an active directory server.
  • Confirm the active directory server is the primary service for authentication.
  • Turn on AD SSO for the zones requiring Kerberos authentication.
  • Turn on Kerberos authentication for Web authentication.

Sophos Website Category Check

Configure a Hostname

Sophos website checker login

Sophos Website Checker Online

Services such as Kerberos require a fully qualified hostname to work correctly.

Sophos Website Checker Login

  1. Go to Administration > Admin settings
  2. For Hostname enter an FQDN. Example: SFOS.customer.local
    Note By default, the serial number is used as the hostname if you don't configure a specific FQDN hostname during the initial setup of XG Firewall.
  3. Click Apply.