Min In Python

Python List min Method Description. Python list method min returns the elements from the list with minimum value. This method returns the elements from the list with minimum value. The following example shows the usage of min method. The min function returns the item with the lowest value, or the item with the lowest value in an iterable. If the values are strings, an alphabetically comparison is done.

Min In Python

Python number method min returns the smallest of its arguments: the value closest to negative infinity. Index of max and min values in Python To get indexes of min and max values in a list, first, you have to use the min and max functions to find the smallest and largest numbers. Next, use the index function of the list to find out the index of these numbers. Using Python's mean Since calculating the mean is a common operation, Python includes this functionality in the statistics module. It provides some functions for calculating basic statistics on sets of data. The statistics.mean function takes a sample of numeric data (any iterable) and returns its mean. Here's how Python's mean works.

Python min() and max() are built-in functions in python which returns the smallest number and the largest number of the list respectively, as the output. Python min() can also be used to find the smaller one in the comparison of two variables or lists. However, Python max() on the other hand is used to find the bigger one in the comparison of two variables or lists.


The syntax for python min() function is:

Minimum In Python

The syntax for python max() function is:

The iterable parameter can be an object like string, list, tuple or a map etc. The default parameter consists of a default value which is returned when the iterable parameter is null, otherwise an exception ValueError is thrown in the other case. The key is referred to as the parameter which checks for the order of sorting. Min() calculates the minimum number as an output and max() computes the maximum number out of all in the list.

Python program to understand the use of min() Function

The output of the above python program will be:

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Python program to understand the use of max() Function

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The output of the above python program will be:

Python min() and max() works well for data types such as string well too. Let us see a program below to understand the use of the min() function with strings:

Program Example 1:

The output of the above python program will be:

Program Example 2:

The output of the above python program will be:

Min In Python 3

Some Exceptions while using min() and max() built-in functions

TypeError Exception: This exception occurs while the user tries to compare the two data types. For example min((“abc”, “abcd”, 23, 12). In this case, the user will get run time exception as an error as it is impossible to find the smallest between two different data types. Hence, it is always advisable to avoid such errors and use proper data types while making comparisons or wanting an output.

Min In Python

Example to use the min() and max() functions in python

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Min In Python

The output of the above python program will be:

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